The Pros and Cons of a Man Cave or She Shed When Selling Your Farmington Hills Home

man cave and she shed

When it comes to selling your Farmington Hills home, you may be wondering whether to keep your man cave or she-shed intact. These personalized spaces can add character and charm to your property, but they can also be a potential turn-off for some buyers. Let’s explore the pros and cons of keeping these unique spaces when selling your home.

Pros of Keeping Your Man Cave or She-Shed

1. Adds Unique Value to Your Property

One of the significant advantages of having a man cave or she-shed in your Farmington Hills home is that it adds unique value to your property. These spaces are becoming increasingly popular, with many homeowners seeking properties that offer this additional living space. If well-maintained and tastefully decorated, a man cave or she-shed can significantly increase the appeal of your property.

2. Showcases Potential for Personalization

A well-designed man cave or she-shed can help potential buyers visualize how they could personalize the space according to their preferences. Whether it’s used as a gaming room, an art studio, a home office, or a yoga retreat, these spaces provide an excellent opportunity for buyers to see the potential in your home.

Cons of Keeping Your Man Cave or She-Shed

1. May Not Appeal to All Buyers

While some buyers may love the idea of having a man cave or she-shed in their new Farmington Hills home, others may not share the same enthusiasm. Some people might see these spaces as unnecessary or even wasteful, especially if they don’t have any specific use for them in mind.

2. Could Limit Space for Other Uses

If you’re selling a smaller property, keeping your man cave or she-shed could potentially limit space for other uses that might be more appealing to buyers. For example, families with young children might prefer an extra bedroom over a dedicated hobby room.

Striking the Right Balance

When deciding whether to keep your man cave or she-shed when selling your Farmington Hills home, it’s essential to strike the right balance between personalization and broad appeal. Consider staging these spaces in a way that showcases their potential without being overly specific about their use.

For instance, instead of showcasing an overly masculine man cave filled with sports memorabilia and beer signs, consider staging it as a general-purpose family room with comfortable seating and neutral décor. Similarly, instead of presenting an overly feminine she-shed filled with craft supplies and floral patterns, consider staging it as a serene reading nook or office space.


Ultimately, whether you decide to keep your man cave or she-shed when selling your Farmington Hills home will depend on various factors such as market trends and buyer preferences in your area. It’s always best to consult with an experienced real estate agent who understands local market dynamics before making any significant decisions regarding staging and presentation.

Remember that while these unique spaces can add value and appeal to some buyers; they may not resonate with everyone. Therefore, it’s crucial to present them in such a way that appeals broadly without losing their unique charm.