Must-Have Questions to Ask Your Novi, MI Real Estate Agent

Houses nestled among lush trees, connected by winding roads

There are several questions you should definitely ask your real estate agent before hiring them. This can help determine their skills and build trust with them. Since they are going to handle either buying or selling your home, there isn’t anything like asking too many questions. It’s very important to build a connection between you and the agent before handling paperwork and other forms of dealing. So, here are a few topics to keep in mind and question from your potential Novi, MI, real estate agent.

Real Estate License

You might not be aware, but a legit real estate agent has a state approved license for selling properties. Hence, asking this is an understandable requirement when interviewing your real estate agent. A professional agent will have no issues showing their license, any excuses saying otherwise might be a red flag. If they are unable to provide a genuine license, then feel free to move on.

Referrals and Previous Employers

It is an obvious assumption that a real estate agent can provide you with their list of referrals or mention previous employers. If during the initial review, the agent is unable to provide their listing, this can be a sign of unsatisfied customers or lack of experience.

Their Availability

There is a chance that, if a particular listing appears on the market and it is your preferred property—you will want your real estate agent to close in on it as quickly as possible. If he is unable to pick up your call or is unresponsive, you will lose your desired home immediately. The better the property, the more likely it is to be sold quickly. On the other hand, to avoid a similar situation, coordinate with your agent at a preferred time and communication channel.

Their Current Client

Knowing the number of clients is important, because you need to know how much attention can be paid to you. If the real estate agent is jiggling several clients simultaneously, it will mean they will have less time to handle your requests. Furthermore, you should also get guesses of their connections, which may or may not have a buyer for a property you might be interested in. Since if you are a potential buyer for a property they are representing, then it is a “two birds with one stone” situation.

Fee Structure

Understanding the fee structure of the real estate agent you are dealing with should be one of your top priorities. Each Agent will have their own fee structure, and enquiring about it is important. This can include the commission rate, but only when you are selling a property. When buying, you don’t have to worry about commission, whereas fees can be negotiable.

Hire Trusted Tom Gilliam Novi, MI Real Estate Agents

Real Estate Agent, Tom Gilliam is here to provide you with necessary support during purchasing and selling a property. A team of professionals led by Tom himself. Contact us today at Home 2 Move You for consultation or visit our website for more information.