10 Home-Selling Superstitions That Should Seal the Deal

10 home selling superstitions

What are some common home selling superstitions?

Some common home selling superstitions include burying a statue of St. Joseph in the yard, hanging a horseshoe above the front door for good luck, and avoiding the number 13 when pricing or listing the property. These superstitions are believed to bring good fortune and expedite the sale process.

When selling a house, homeowners want a quick transaction. Hiring the best agent, pricing the home right, and effective marketing can help. Additionally, considering common superstitions and rituals while shopping for a new home and getting settled can bring good luck.

Some sellers scatter coins in the living room or in every room for financial prosperity. Feng Shui can also enhance energy and luck during home showings. Clearing clutter and having 7 lemons in a bowl for luck to clear out negative juju are popular techniques to help bring you luck in selling your home. According to Indian tradition, it’s important to choose an ‘auspicious day’ to move into your new house. Rainy days, as well as a Friday and a Saturday, are considered unlucky and may prevent you from settling into your new home. According to Native American tradition, Thursday is the luckiest day of the week, so it is advisable to choose this day to move into your new house and ensure that it becomes your luckiest day. Other Western culture superstitions claim that April, July, and November are the most unlucky months to move.

When it comes to getting the deal done in a timely manner, sellers and agents have been known to rely on time-tested home selling superstitions. Let’s take a look at 10 that are all but guaranteed to get that “Sold” sticker slapped on your “For Sale” sign in a hurry.

Selling Superstition #1. Appeal to the senses with Baking

Here’s a sweet sellers superstition even if you’re not the least bit hungry, there’s something inherently appetizing about walking into a home and smelling a freshly-baked treat. While some experts recommend whipping up a batch of cookies, others say bread emits a scent that’s heartier, lasts longer, and offers greater olfactory appeal to buyers. Non-bakers will be glad to hear that sprinkling cinnamon inside a stove and turning it on low even for a few minutes will do the trick! Fans of savory versus sweet swear by roasting an onion, which is said to be enough to fool would-be buyers into envisioning hosting their very own Thanksgiving feasts in that home. One popular method of creating an inviting atmosphere is simply baking a tray of chocolate chip cookies for the first time. The aroma might entice a buyer to fall in love with your home…hold on though…what if someone doesn’t like the sweet smell of baked goods?

Selling Superstition #2. Bury a statue of St. Joseph in the yard

Though St. Joseph was a carpenter by trade, he’d have made a pretty great Realtor ®, some say. It’s believed that burying a statue of the saint upside down (because this way he’ll want to get out faster) seems to have a mythical ability to sell homes in record time according to some seller superstitions. Unlike costly home renovations made in the hope of a quick sale, this statue won’t blow your budget. Kits, which include an accompanying prayer, start at $6.95. Once the home has sold, dig him up and place him in a position of honor in the new home. If you’re retiring, relocating, or downsizing and need to sell your house, what do you do if the stars just aren’t aligning for you? It’s time to bring out that crystal ball and hope for a buyer who will at least provide you with your asking price. Burying a St. Joseph Statue is one of the most popular real estate superstitions around, with hundreds of 5-star reviews on Amazon. St. Joseph is considered the patron saint of families, working people, and both house sellers and buyers. As a figure from the Gospels, Joseph is known as the husband to Mary and the adopted father of Jesus. He was a working man and skilled as a carpenter, which may account for his being the patron saint of workers and things to do with houses and real estate.

 Selling Superstition #3. Don’t do the math just yet

Apparently the old phrase, “Don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched!” also applies to real estate and selling superstitions. Triplemint agent Phil Reynolds says, “Don’t calculate your commission unless you’re negotiating it!! I’ve heard agents say it’s bad luck to calculate your commission before the deal closes.”

Selling Superstition #4. A dimmer switch is a bright idea.

Some believe putting lights in dining rooms, bedrooms, hallways, and family rooms on dimmers will attract buyers who are drawn to the control they offer but wouldn’t necessarily devote to the time or trouble to adding the feature themselves, but I’m not completely sure of this selling superstition.

Selling Superstition #5. Skip the zeros in superstitions

While it might be tempting to price a home at a nice even number, selling superstition dictates that you’d be much better off choosing a random figure as it lends intrigue. Just do yourself a favor, and leave unlucky “13” out of it.

Selling Superstition #6. Throw in some amenities.

Buyers often fall in love with certain features only to be turned off when they learn that the exquisite chandelier or state-of-the-art appliance they coveted is leaving with the homeowner. Consider sweetening the pot by offering up a highly-desirable item and watch the bids roll in with this selling superstition.

Selling Superstition #7. Create a warm welcome

If the home boasts a fireplace, and weather permits, set it ablaze. A roaring fire adds warmth — literally. Creating a charming ambience will definitely distinguish one property from another in a buyer’s mind. Make sure fireplace is clean for this selling superstition as to avoid the nasty smell of burnt wood and any potential for a bad relationship between neighbors.

Selling Superstition #8. Pretty it up with fresh flowers

Another over-looked selling superstition is when a home is showing, you want it to look as fresh and inviting as possible. Flowers go a long way toward adding color and character to any space — even a pint-sized powder room. This trick holds true for the outdoors as well. Good landscaping, including a beautifully painted front porch blue, has been known to shorten a property’s time on the market by as much as six weeks, experts note. It is believed that if you place an acorn on a windowsill, this will protect your house from being struck by lightening.

Selling Superstition #9. Don your lucky outfit

Ladies might just love this selling superstition, the right outfit can boost your confidence no doubt. Triplemint Sales Manager Joan Kagan says she owns a “lucky closings dress.” Hey, whatever works!

Selling Superstition #10. Smudging it

Some believe a home may have a “negative energy” or bad vibes lurking inside, which of course, can cause it to linger on the market long after it should’ve been sold. Smudging, a Native American ceremony where a sacred plant (often sage) is lit, allowing it to smolder and release its aromatic smoke throughout the new dwelling, is said to cleanse the home and drive away evil spirits and bad energy. The smudging ceremony involves lighting the sacred plant, such as sage, and allowing it to smolder, releasing its aromatic smoke throughout the new dwelling. Next, a prayer or intention is said, requesting that only positive energy enter the space as the negative flows back out, bringing in new energy and good luck. It’s said that strangers often feel these emotions more strongly than the home’s inhabitants. When moving into a new place, it’s always a good idea to sweep away negative energy with a new broom. Purchasing a new broom is said to give homeowners a fresh start in their new digs, as it symbolizes leaving behind the old broom and all the negative energy associated with it.

“I had a buyer who found out there was a cemetery not far from their apartment and didn’t close because she didn’t want to have ‘evil spirits’ in the house ,” Triplemint agent Greg Moers recalled. “She backed out of the contract and lost her deposit, so she was really against it. In the Asian culture, along with Feng Shui, this is a very big thing. They are against evil spirits of the dead to enter the house.”

So the selling superstitions can mean tons to any potential home buyer or home seller and although some may not believe, there may just be some truth to some of these.

Whether you’re a believer or not, lets discuss your selling superstitions and get your home sold for the most money possible!

Oakland County Mi Realtor Tom Gilliam

Oakland County Michigan Realtor, Tom Gilliam understands the importance of convering all bases when it comes to selling your home. Let’s discuss how we can get your property sold at the best price, in the best time, with or without the horseshoe, call me today 248-790-5594.

Contact Tom Gilliam, Realtor Oakland County Mi